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November 19, 2024

Shark Fishing From the Beach: Everything You Need to Know

Written By: Captain Kody Michael

Introduction to Shark Fishing

If you’re looking to learn how to shark fish from the beach or by boat, you’re in the right place! The excitement of hooking into one of the ocean’s most powerful predators is an experience like no other! 

Sharks can range from 2-feet up to over 15-feet in length and weighing over 1,000 pounds. One of the best parts of shark fishing is the unpredictableness of what you might catch and the challenge of getting this animal to the beach or next to the boat.

 Whether you’ve been fishing your whole life or are just starting, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know about how to shark fish from the beach or the boat.

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Is Shark Fishing From the Beach Legal in Florida?

One of the first questions you should always ask before planning any fishing trip is whether or not it is legal in the place you are looking to fish. Florida specifically is a hotspot for shark fishing enthusiasts and the law is very clear on the rules and regulations pertaining to this fishery.

In short, the answer is yes—shark fishing is legal in Florida, but it comes with very specific regulations to protect both anglers and sharks. 

Florida has some of the strictest rules in the United States to ensure the conservation of shark populations. If you are looking to go shark fishing from the beach or shore, anglers are required to have a shore-based shark fishing permit. 

I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the list of prohibited shark species. Catching, harming, or harvesting these protected species can lead to fines you do not want. Additionally, Florida law emphasizes and encourages ethical fishing practices, including using non-stainless steel circle hooks and ensuring quick, safe releases for prohibited species.

Always review the latest regulations from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) before heading out. By understanding and respecting these rules, you can enjoy shark fishing responsibly and not be worried about the ramifications of taking part in this fishery.


Essential Gear When Shark Fishing From The Beach

Now let’s get into the fun stuff! As a captain in Key West, I have been shark fishing for over 15 years. The following recommendations are from my personal experience and what I have found to be most effective during my years as a charter captain.

To be successful shark fishing from the beach or from the boat you will need heavy-duty gear designed to handle the size and strength of sharks. Using the right equipment can be the difference between landing a shark and losing it halfway through the fight. Read more about our top equipment recommendations for surf fishing here.


Rods, Reels, and Line for Shark Fishing

Rods and Reels:

  • In terms of equipment, you will need a heavy rod and reel. However, the size and strength of the shark you’re targeting will dictate your choice. For smaller species, a 30-class conventional reel is sufficient. For larger sharks, step up to 50- or 80-class reels, which can handle the intense drag and long runs sharks are known for. Learn more about our top picks for rods and reels for shark fishing here.


  • Pair your reel with a strong fishing line, ranging from 60-150 lb test, depending on your target species. The line needs to be durable enough to withstand the sheer force of a fighting shark. My go to fishing hooks and line is always Mustad. At the end of this blog I have included a 20% promo code at Mustad Fishing if you’re interested in buying product.

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Leaders and Hooks for Shark Fishing


  • Sharks are notorious for their sharp teeth and violent headshakes, so your leader setup is crucial. I highly recommend steel or cable leaders in the 100-200 lb class to prevent bite-offs, joined with your knot of choice. I prefer the FG knot – this knot is strong and is a fast method of connecting leader to your line. It can be used with braid, mono, and fluorocarbon. This knot takes time to learn so I recommend practicing beforehand.


  • Hooks are equally important. Once you’ve connected your shock leader to a wire leader and weight with a fish finder rig or a 3-way swivel—use a 10/0 circle or J-hooks in sizes 8/0 to 16/0. Circle hooks are often preferred because they reduce the chances of gut-hooking a shark, making them a more ethical option if you’re practicing catch-and-release. You can click on the blue text to see the exact hooks that I buy when I’m fishing for sharks. Always use a swivel to connect the wire to the mono.


Where to Find Sharks: Locations & Habitat

Knowing where to fish is one of the most critical aspects of learning how to shark fish. Sharks inhabit a variety of environments, so understanding their habits can greatly increase your chances of success.

Key Locations When Shark Fishing From the Beach  

Some of the best places to shark fish include:

1. Inlets, bays, and beaches:

    • Sharks frequently patrol these areas, especially at night, searching for easy meals.

2. Strong currents and food-rich waters:

    • Sharks rely heavily on their sense of smell, and areas with abundant baitfish or chum trails are found.

3. Coral reefs and wrecks:

    • These areas are hotspots for smaller fish, which in turn attract sharks looking to feed.

Understanding Shark Habits

Sharks are opportunistic feeders, and their movements are influenced by water temperature, bait availability, and tides. Warmer waters tend to bring them closer to shore, while certain species, like hammerheads, are more active during specific seasons. Learning these patterns can help you pinpoint the best times and locations to fish.


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Choosing the Best Bait When Shark Fishing

The bait you use can make or break your shark fishing trip. Sharks have an incredible sense of smell, and choosing the right bait will maximize your chances of attracting them. To keep your bait in the right place, increase your weight or use sputnik weights. Most people who shark fish from the beach will often ferry their rig to deep water with a kayak.

Best Bait Options

Fresh, bloody bait is a staple for shark fishing. Favorites include bonita, tuna, and mackerel due to their strong scent and oily texture. Jacks and other cut baits with high oil content also work well. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s as fresh as possible.

The Bigger, The Better

When learning how to shark fish, one tip stands out: big bait attracts big sharks. Using larger bait increases the likelihood of hooking a trophy-sized fish. However, always balance your bait size with the strength of your gear. A giant baitfish might attract a massive shark that your tackle isn’t equipped to handle, leading to lost gear or a frustrating experience.


Tips for a Successful Shark Fishing Experience

Shark fishing is as much about strategy as it is about strength. Preparing properly and adopting the right techniques will greatly improve your chances of success while shark fishing from the beach or boat. 

Setting Up for Success

Positioning your bait in the right location is key. Drop it in areas with strong currents to allow the scent to travel. Enhance this effect with a chum slick—a trail of fish parts and oils that sharks can detect from miles away. Patience is essential, as it can take time for sharks to pick up the scent and arrive at your location.

Safety First

Handling a large shark is not only challenging but potentially dangerous. Always use proper equipment like gloves, dehookers, and bolt cutters. If you’re practicing catch-and-release, keep the shark in the water while removing the hook, and avoid prolonged fights to minimize stress on the animal. Respecting these fish ensures both your safety and the shark’s survival.

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Why Shark Fishing From the Beach is So Epic

Few fishing experiences compare to the excitement of shark fishing. The power and determination of these creatures provide an adrenaline rush unlike any other. The satisfaction of successfully mastering your gear, selecting the right bait, and strategically choosing the perfect location makes the experience incredibly rewarding.

More importantly, shark fishing connects anglers with the marine ecosystem in a profound way. Sharks are vital to maintaining ocean health, and respecting them during your adventure ensures they remain a part of these waters for future generations.


Shark fishing from the beach combines the perfect mix of skill, strategy, and excitement. Whether you’re drawn to the challenge of battling an ocean predator or simply looking for the opportunity to explore Florida’s waters, learning how to shark fish from the beach or boat is an adventure worth pursuing.

Remember to stay informed about regulations, respect the species, and prioritize safety—for yourself and the sharks. Embrace the challenge, and prepare for the fishing experience like no other!

Drop a Comment!

We’d love to hear from you! If you’ve had success shark fishing from the beach or have any tips to share on how to catch sharks, drop a comment below. Feel free to ask any questions you might have about anything you read in this blog or about targeting these fish!

For more tips and techniques on fishing, don’t forget to subscribe to our blog and follow along on our fishing adventures on our channel Reel Guides TV on YouTube.

Happy fishing!


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